Green Tea Your Beauty Regime

a couple of marble bowls with lemon slices and botanicals

Green Tea has stood the test of time for millennia.

 With over 450 organic substances in it, the health values of green tea is through the roof.

green tea powder on a wooden spoon

Elle Magazine says: The most beneficial nutrients in green tea are polyphenols - micro chemical nutrients contained in plants. The polyphenols in green tea contain powerful antioxidants that work to neutralise the components that cause damage to the body "


A cup of green tea a day can  boost metabolism and aid in cardio vascular health, and digestive issues as well. Long stints at my desk are made more healthful by sipping on green tea!

the cream opened next to a keyboard and a succulent

 Like with many things, if it's good for your insides,, it  will have glow-enhancing, skin-rejuvenating benefits as well.


 topical application of green tea extracts have proven in research many benefits for skin. The antioxidants protect skin from things like sun damage, while the caffeine  helps to fight free radicals.


My Advice:   Drink it, Wear it.....Use it!

The benefits are too noticeable to miss out.